
  • 家庭 喜剧
  • 丽贝卡·斯塔顿 亚历克萨·戴维斯 菲利普·杰克森 海伦·蒙克斯
  • 共7集  |  每集 24分钟
  • Quasi-autobiographical sitcom pilot from Caitlin M…Quasi-autobiographical sitcom pilot from Caitlin Moran and her sister Caroline. The action centres on the elder two of six siblings living on a Wolverhampton council estate, who fill their days with books, films and teenage whimsy while single matriarch Della struggles to make ends meet. Touted by the Times columnist as featuring “smart, amusing intellectuals living on a council estate”, there’s little to qualify that remark here, unless a shot of a character reading Ted Hughes’s Crow counts. If anything, this is barely Malcolm in the Midlands.


  • 全23集
  • 全21集
  • 更新至第121-123集
  • 全08集
  • 更新至03集
  • 更新至04集
  • 湖南卫视更新至04集
  • 第10集


  • 电影解说
  • 高清
  • 高清
  • 高清
  • 高清
  • 已完结
  • 高清
  • 高清


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