
简介:Series in which three Australian brothers - Danny, Ben and Sam Wood - set out cycling on the trail of Hannibal, the warrior who marched from Spain to Rome at the head of an invading army accompanied by elephants.   Part 1: Hitting the Road   The brothers cycle along the east coast of Spain, passing through the palms of Elche, Benidorm's beaches and Valencia's zoo before arriving at Sagunto, where Hannibal's war against the Romans began. On the way, they meet Australian cycling champ Matthew Lloyd and talk to the elephants.   Part 2: Barca! Barca! Barca!   The Wood brothers cycle north along the east coast of Spain, calling in at Barcelona's Camp Nou stadium to watch a match   before visiting the ancient Greek ruins of Ampurias. Adam Melonas cooks them a Carthaginian banquet on the beaches of the   Costa Brava before they hit the Pyrenees.   Part 3: Crossing the Rhone   From the Roman amphitheatre of Arles, the brothers retrace Hannibal's steps through the south of France to the foothills of the Alps. They recreate Hannibal's historic crossing of the River Rhone, before cycling on to the town of Maillane.   Part 4: Over the Alps   The brothers take on the most challenging leg of their trek - crossing the Alps. Historians disagree about which route Hannibal took and the Woods split up and each cycle a different path, braving snow, altitude and exhaustion. They meet up in northern Italy, ready to take on Rome.   Part 5: Hannibal the Great   The brothers cycle through northern Italy from the fertile Valley of Trebbia to the rolling hills of Tuscany, continuing on through marshes before arriving at Cannae, site of the bloodiest battle of ancient history. They meet a winemaker called Hannibal, attempt to make a pizza in Naples and have a close shave in Trani.   Part 6: Hannibal at the Gates   As they near the end of their journey, the Woods make a sacrifice to the gods at Lake Averno, come face to face with Hannibal in Rome and cross the Mediterranean to Tunisia, once the centre of the Carthaginian Empire, where they visit the site where the fate of an entire civilisation was decided in one final battle.   本系列影片中,澳大利亚Wood三兄弟Danny、Ben和Sam骑自行车沿着汉尼拔的足迹启程,当年侵略军同大象一起沿着此路线从西班牙向罗马行军。   汉尼拔·巴卡,北非古国迦太基著名军事家。生长的时代在正逢古罗马共和国势力的崛起。少时随父亲哈米尔卡·巴卡进军西班牙,并在父亲面前发下一生的誓言,要终身与罗马为敌,自小接受严格和艰苦的军事锻炼,在军事及外交活动上有卓越表现。现今仍为许多军事学家所研究之重要军事战略家之一。   第二次布匿战争期间,率领军队从西班牙翻越比利牛斯山和阿尔卑斯山,牺牲了大量佣兵,进入意大利北部,在特拉比亚战役、特拉西美诺湖战役和坎尼战役中巧妙运用计策 引诱并击溃罗马人,于进入罗马国境的途中因眼疾而有一眼失明。坎尼战役之后,罗马人深感此人之军事威胁,特别是情报搜集、行军布阵及外交分化罗马联盟上,于是减少与汉尼拔的军团发生正面冲突,加强同罗马联盟之间的关系,施用焦土战略,阻断其军需物资的补给,发行国债,增加军团,从汉尼拔身上学会及改用游击战略,才逐渐夺回意大利南部的要塞。公元前204年,罗马人在大西庇阿的率领下入侵迦太基本土,迫使汉尼拔回到非洲。公元前202年,大西庇阿于扎马战役击败汉尼拔。   战后汉尼拔成为迦太基的行政官,以帮助迦太基从战争的疮痍中恢复。公元前195年,在罗马人的施压下,汉尼拔出走东方,流亡到塞琉西王国,直到公元前189年,罗马打败安条克三世,并要求引渡汉尼拔,汉尼拔逃到小亚细亚北部的比提尼亚王国。即使如此,罗马人仍然不放心汉尼拔,一直争取把他引渡到罗马受审,终于逼至汉尼拔在公元前183年服毒自尽。…
